We are serving up good vibes for finals! It can be a challenging time but remember, you got this! 
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Create Your Own Meal Plan
  • Pick the Meal Swipes & Flex that's right for you!
  • Use Flex at any MT Dining locations!
  • Meal Equivalency (Learn more!)
Pick the right amount of meals and FlexBucks that fit your dining needs. Select one amount of meal swipes and one amount of FlexBucks and we will customize your plan! Meals may be used at McCallie, Farmers Market, or at any participating Meal Exchange location. (Learn more about Meal Equivalency)

Our best balance plan has been pre-selected for you! Click "Add To Cart" for a fast checkout!

This plan is available to students living off campus OR upperclassmen living on campus.

Step 1: Pick the number of meal swipes:
100 Meals (about 6 meals per week)
75 Meals (about 4 meals per week)
50 Meals (about 3 meals per week)

Step 2: Pick the right amount of Flex:
$350 Flex
$450 Flex
$550 Flex

= Required Fields

Meal Swipes